RF EAS Handheld Detector PT1000
PT1000 Hanheld Detector is designed for improving the customer relationship and settlement of disputes, which is high cost effective product.
Product Features

Packing Information
Package Material:Carton
GrossWeight: 0.5 KG
Package Dimension: 2120x78x30 mm
Tool for Battery Replacement
Small size Phillips screwdriver
This handheld sensor is a non-mandatoty detector.It should be can used after getting permit by customers.
When the handheld senor is working, it has to be far away from the normal RF EAS pedestal, otherwise it would false alarm.
The power of this product is supplied by a 9V battery inside it. When pressing the power button, the power indicator is on and it will be beeping when tag is closed to it. When the power indicator is always off or the detection range is very short, please replace the battery.